Jessica N. Chiles
Jessica is a native East Texan. She was born in Corsicana, and moved to the Tyler/Whitehouse area in middle school. She graduated top ten percent at Whitehouse High School in 2002, and went on to Lon Morris College. There she was apart of the Bearcatettes dance team, Phi Theta Kappa (honor society), Student Ambassadors, and Stepping Stones (student worship team). Jessica graduated Magna Cum Laude and received her Associate of Arts degree in May 2004.
After Lon Morris, Jessica went on to pursue a Communication degree, focusing on journalism from the University of Texas at Tyler. While there, she worked on the Patriot Talon’s newspaper staff, and served as Entertainment Editor for one year. She graduated in August 2007 and received a Bachelor of Science.
Jessica came to the Lon Morris Admissions team in October 2007. She is currently pursing a Master of Arts in Communication and expects to gradute May 2011. She serves as an adjunct faculty member for the English department in addition to her Admission and Financial Aid duties.
Jessica has a three year old son and one year old daughter. She was married to her husband Rusty in June 2005, and currently resides with her family in Whitehouse, Texas.
Jessica N. Chiles
Associate Director of Admissions
Class of 2004
Phone: 903.589.4033
Fax: 903.589.4006
E-mail: [email protected]